Brandon University International Baccalaureate and Advanced Placement Applicants

Brandon University Scholarships

Brandon University International Baccalaureate and Advanced Placement Applicants.

Brandon University International Baccalaureate and Advanced Placement Applicants

International Baccalaureate

Students with an International Baccalaureate Diploma with an overall score of 24 points are considered to have the equivalent of Manitoba High School Graduation for purposes of admission to Brandon University.  The International Baccalaureate Diploma must contain at least three Higher Level courses, with the remaining courses being either the Higher Level or the Standard Level.

Students taking Grade 12 along with the International Baccalaureate Diploma or International Baccalaureate subjects will be considered for admission on the basis of their regular Grade 12 subject areas. A minimum score of 4 is required on each higher level International Baccalaureate course to be considered for possible transfer of credit. Transfer credit is voluntary. Students eligible to receive transfer credit must complete the Request for University Credit for IB and AP Form.

Depending upon the grades attained, students who have completed one or more International Baccalaureate courses may also be eligible for scholarship funding in addition to any other entrance awards they may receive.

Advanced Placement

Transfer credit for Advanced Placement is granted in specific subject areas, provided that a minimum score of 3 is achieved with some departments requiring a minimum score of 4. Accepting transfer credit for Advanced Placement is voluntary. Students eligible to receive transfer credit must complete the Request for University Credit for IB and AP Form.

Depending upon the grades attained, students who have completed one or more Advanced Placement courses may also be eligible for scholarship funding in addition to any other entrance awards they may receive.

Dual Credit Admission

A Manitoba high school student in good standing (i.e. has completed, enrolled in or pre-registered for all of the compulsory courses required to meet high school graduation), has a minimum average of 80% across all Grade 11 and 12 courses completed at the time of application and a recommendation from his/her Principal or designate to pursue dual credit status.


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