Brandon University Success1 | All You Need to Know

Brandon University Scholarships

Brandon University Success1 | All You Need to Know.

Brandon University Success1

Success1 helps students to make a smooth transition to university. Success1 students are admitted to their faculties as a regular student or mature student and are provided with the necessary skills and resources to achieve academic success.

There are three ways to qualify for Success1:

1) Direct-entry graduates from high school:

Direct-entry graduates from high school entering the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Science or Bachelor of Physical Education who:

  • have a high school average (Grade 11 or 12) below 70% OR
  • are missing or have fewer than 60% in Grade 11 or 12 English (30S or 40S) OR
  • have fewer than 5 approved courses at the S (academic) level (or equivalent based on provincial standards) OR
  • graduated with a Grade 12 equivalency (G.E.D.) as recognized in North America.

Prior to completion of Grade 12, the Admissions Office will calculate an entering average based on:

  • English 30S
  • Highest Math 30S
  • 3 other S or U courses at the 30 level (maximum 1 Music, Arts, or Drama course and maximum 1 technical/vocational course)

Following completion of Grade 12, the Admissions Office will calculate an entering average based on:

  • English 40S
  • Highest Math 40S or 40U
  • 3 other S or U courses at the 40 level (maximum 1 Music, Arts, or Drama course and maximum 1 technical/vocational course)

2) Mature Students

Mature students are those entering Brandon University over the age of 21 who have not completed a high school or G.E.D. diploma. Success1 students are admitted to their faculties as a mature student and are provided with the necessary skills and resources to achieve academic success.

3) Opt-In

Students may opt-in to this program on their own accord.

What are the program elements of Success1?

1) Academic Recommendations

Course Load

Students will be limited to a course load of a maximum of 12 credit hours (4 courses) per term.

Fundamental Skill Building Courses and Workshops

Students will work  with their Academic Advisor to pick courses.  The following courses have been specifically chose to help students develop the skills they need to be successful at university and are strongly recommended:

  • Enrolling in 99:090 Fundamentals of University or 99:175 Fundamentals of Inquiry or the participation in at least six (6) Student Success Series Workshops
  • Consider enrolling in, based on past academic/personal experiences and/or future goals, one or more of the following skill based-courses*:
    • 15:090 Introduction to Biology
    • 16:090 Bookkeeping
    • 18:090 Introduction to Chemistry
    • 30:151 University Writing
    • 30:153 University Writing for the Sciences
    • 62:090 Basic Math
    • 62:091 Core Math
    • 70:163 Critical Thinking
    • 74:090 Elementary Concepts of Physics

* List is subject to change. These courses will be considered electives. All other courses will be geared to a student’s academic goals.

*Students enrolled at the Dauphin campus or through PENT are not subject to the Academic Recommendations.

2) Success Coaching

Each student will be assigned a Success Coach that you will meet with two to three times during the first semester. He or she will provide tips and strategies as well as refer you to additional services as needed. Your coach will contact you through your BU email account, so please check your account regularly.

How can I learn more about this program?

Email us at [email protected].


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