Official List of Acadia University Online Courses 2023-2024

Acadia University Online Courses 2023/2024… Here is the complete list of online courses offered at Acadia University for all programmes and admission requirements.

Acadia University Online Courses

We have gathered the full list of Graduate courses offered at Acadia University and admission requirements, ranking, and tuition fees, to enable (Prospective candidates, Undergraduate, Postgraduate, International Students, Masters, and graduates) to have knowledge about Acadia University.

List of Online Courses Offered At Acadia University

We have grouped all online programmes under the Acadia University slated below. This will make it easy for you to find your ideal programme.

ART 3313 NT
Special Topics in the History of Art – Textile Arts
BIOL 1113 N2
Organisms and Their Environment 1
BIOL 1813 NT
Human Biology 1
BIOL 2663 N3
Marine Biology
BUSI 1013 N3
Financial Accounting 1
BUSI 1703 N3
Introduction to Business
BUSI 2033 N1
Financial Accounting 2
BUSI 2223 N6
Fundamentals of Finance 1
BUSI 2233 N5
Fundamentals of Finance 2
BUSI 2423 N2
Marketing Principles
BUSI 2513 N1
Operations Management
BUSI 2743 N1
Organizational Theory
BUSI 2803 NT
Business Technology Management
BUSI 3063 N3
Business Analytics Modeling
BUSI 3723 N2
Organizational Change
BUSI 3763 N2
Cross-Cultural Management
BUSI 4913 N3
Online Competitive Intelligence for Business (Special Topics)
CHEM 2513 N1
Organic Chemistry 1
CLAS 2233 NT
Scientific Terminology
CODE 1013 NT
Leadership in Community Development
COMM 1213 N3
Communication 1
COMP 1113 N4
Computer Programming 1
COMP 1123 N5
Computer Programming 2
COMP 1813 N3
Computer Concepts and Applications
COMP 2103 N1
Computer Programming 3
CREL 2533 N1
‘Cults’: New Religious Movements
ECON 1013 N3
Microeconomic Principles
ECON 1023 N3
An Introduction to the Study of Macroeconomics
ECON 2713 NT
Economics of the Natural Environment
ECON 3733 N1
Economics of Recreation and Sport
ECON 3743 N2
Economics of Tourism
EDUC 4673 N4
Teaching English as a Second Language
EDUC 4683 N2
Linguistics for Teachers
EDUC 4863 N1
Acquisition of Language
EDUC 5003 RT
Theories of Human Development and Learning
Principles of Assessment for Counselling
EDUC 5183 RT
Acquisition of Language (Cross listed with EDUC 4863)
EDUC 5193 RT
Linguistics for Teachers (Cross listed with EDUC 4683)
EDUC 5203 NT
Introduction to Educational Technology
EDUC 5213 AT
Organizational Theory and School Culture
EDUC 5273 RT
Education and the Law
EDUC 5303 IT
Principles of Assessment for Education
EDUC 5563 RT
Career Counselling
EDUC 5693 RT
Teaching English as a Second Language (Cross listed with EDUC 4673)
EDUC 5773 RT
Community Perspectives on School & Society
EDUC 5843 NT
Instructional Design – Multiage Pedagogy
EDUC 5913 RT
Theoretical Perspectives on Leadership
ENGL 1213 N4
Composition 1
ENGL 2013 N1
Exploring Creative Writing: An Introduction
ENGL 2183 N3
Shakespeare 1
ENGL 2193 N2
Shakespeare 2
FRAN 1113 N3
Basic French 1
FRAN 1123 N3
Basic French 2
FRAN 1213 N1
Intermediate French 1
FRAN 2013 NT
Français Avance Niveau 1
GEOL 1033 N1
General Oceanography
GEOL 2753 N4
Atmosphere, Weather and Climate
HIST 1103 N2
Introduction to Western Civilization I
HIST 2123 NT
Gender and Sexuality in Europe to 1789
IDST 3103 N3
Environmental Law
KINE 4233 NT
Stress Management
KINE 4753 NT
Promoting Physical Activity for Youth
KINE 4763 NT
Introduction to the Canadian Health Care System
KINE 4773 N2
S.M.I.L.E. Programming
KINE 4893 N2
Disability Sport
MATH 0110 N3
Pre-University Mathematics
MATH 0120 N3
Advanced Pre-University Mathematics
MATH 1533 N2
Mathematical Concepts 1
MATH 1543 N2
Mathematical Concepts 2
MATH 1613 N3
General Linear Algebra and Calculus for Business and Economics
MUSI 1033 N2
Reading and Writing Music 1
MUSI 1043 N1
Reading and Writing Music 2
NUTR 1313 N3
Human Nutrition 1
NUTR 1323 N3
Human Nutrition 2
NUTR 1503 N2
Understanding Nutrition
NUTR 2323 N2
Food and People
NUTR 3533 N4
Sports Nutrition
PHYS 1513 N2
Astronomy 1 – Observational Methods and Solar System
PHYS 1523 N2
Astronomy 2 – Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe
PHYS 3423 NT
Subatomic Physics
PSYC 1013 N4
Introduction to Psychology: Experimental Area
PSYC 1023 N3
Introduction to Psychology: Applied Area
PSYC 2103 N3
Social Psychology
SOCI 1013 N2
Introduction to Canadian Society
SOCI 1033 N4
Introduction to Sociology: Social Problems
SOCI 1113 N1
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
SOCI 2343 N3
Sociology of Aging
SOCI 2553 N2
Sociology of Education
SOCI 2713 N1
Sociology of Deviance
SOCI 2723 N1
Canadian Criminal Justice
SOCI 2853 NT
The Anthropology of Magic and Religion
SOCI 3363 N3
Sociology of Death and Dying
SOCI 3373 N2
Aging in Cross-Cultural Perspective
SOCI 3703 NT
Crime and Punishment
SOCI 3803 N2
Queer Studies
SPAN 1013 N2
Introductory Spanish Language 1
WGST 2906 N1
Women & Gender in the Modern World



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